James Paulsen: Investment Outlook (September 24, 2013)
5 Job Market Myths by James Paulsen, Wells Capital Management Conditions in the job market have always dominated impressions of the overall economy. This is true not only for investors, but also for...
View ArticleNew Listings = Recycled Economy
by Tom Bradley, Steadyhand Investment Funds Toronto Stock Exchange runs print ads every six months to celebrate/welcome their new listings. I find it informative to see the mix of businesses that are...
View ArticleScott Minerd: Buying the Shutdown
October 2nd, 2013 Volatility from the government shutdown and other political developments in Washington D.C. will likely continue to rise. Despite this, the reduction in output from this will be...
View ArticleStanley Druckenmiller: Obama Needs a Gun at his Head in Order to Negotiate in...
One of the great ironies of the Obama presidency is that it has been a disaster for the young people who form the core of his political coalition. High unemployment is paired with exploding debt that...
View ArticleHow the Shutdown Caused an Information Fog
What happens when the departments that collect and publish economic information stop operating, as they have during the recent shutdown? Matt Tucker explores the repercussions for markets and...
View Article4 Things To Ponder
by Lance Roberts of STA Wealth Management, It has been a very interesting week as the Government shutdown/debt ceiling debate debacle moves into the background. The focus has now turned back towards...
View ArticleElliott’s Paul Singer on America’s “Insidious And Life Draining” Dependency...
Paul Singer’s detailed discussion below of the”serious dysfunction” in the US employment markets is crucial to comprehending why the Fed is just making things worse. Via Elliott Management’s Paul...
View ArticleRobert Shiller: “Is Economics a Science?”
by Robert J. Shiller, originally posted at Project Syndicate, I am one of the winners of this year’s Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences, which makes me acutely aware of criticism of the prize by...
View ArticleIt Can’t Be Done
by Michael ‘Mish’ Shedlock, Global Economic Trends Analysis I picked the title of this post from the Reuter’s headline story “China needs 7.2 percent GDP growth for employment: premier“. Curiously the...
View ArticleIn a Real (But Uneven) Recovery: Where to Remain Cautious
Last week brought evidence that while the U.S. recovery is uneven, it’s happening. For investors, the big takeaway is to remain cautious on interest-rate sensitive assets. Russ explains. by Russ...
View ArticleLance Roberts: “It’s Not Too Late To Change Our Future, But Eventually It...
by Lance Roberts of STA Wealth Management, This past Friday the Bureau of Labor Statistics released the November jobs report which sent the mainstream analysts and economists into an ecstatic state as...
View ArticleJames Paulsen: Investment Outlook (September 24, 2013)
5 Job Market Myths by James Paulsen, Wells Capital Management Conditions in the job market have always dominated impressions of the overall economy. This is true not only for investors, but also for...
View ArticleJeffrey Saut: The One Percent
“The One Percent” by Jeffrey Saut, Chief Investment Strategist, Raymond James December 16, 2013 Just as the commandment “Thou shalt not kill” sets a clear limit in order to safeguard the value of human...
View Article50 Foreign Companies Operating in France Sound the Alarm
by Michael ‘Mish’ Shedlock, Global Economic Trends Analysis Via translation from Les Echos, please consider 50 Foreign Companies Operating in France Sound the Alarm. For the 50 signatories, the...
View ArticleNew Listings = Recycled Economy
by Tom Bradley, Steadyhand Investment Funds Toronto Stock Exchange runs print ads every six months to celebrate/welcome their new listings. I find it informative to see the mix of businesses that are...
View ArticleHere Come the Wage and Price Controls
by Simon Black of Sovereign Man blog, Nearly four thousand years ago, King Hammurabi of Babylon laid out his eponymous “Hammurabi’s Code”, a series of laws that is still famous to this day. Most people...
View ArticleDavid Rosenberg: The Labour Market is Tighter Than You Think
The unemployment rate has fallen sharply from its recessionary peak, however, a large portion of this reflects a decline in the participation rate. In fact, many pundits (including several Fed...
View ArticleShiller Drinks the Kool-Aid
by Michael ‘Mish’ Shedlock, Global Economic Trends Analysis One by one the bears and the rational thinkers throw in the towel. Economist Robert Shiller is the latest to drink the Kool-Aid. As noted by...
View ArticleJames Paulsen: Investment Outlook (June 19, 2014)
Initial Unemployment Claims Take on a New Interpretation!?! by James Paulsen, Chief Investment Strategist, Wells Capital Management For economists and investment managers there probably isn’t a more...
View ArticleWhat is The Significance of the Recent U.S. Payroll Data?
by Sentry Investments What is the significance of the recent U.S. payroll data? James Dutkiewicz, Chief Investment Strategist and Senior Portfolio Manager, discusses growth in the U.S. labour market...
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